Manifestation Monday
July 8, 2019
I had a conversation with someone this week who gave me some mental clarity on things that are a common fear or insecurity with a lot of people. At this age, 28, if I had a conversation with my 8 year old self, I would’ve said I would be married, with 4 kids, living in a 5 bedroom house that we own, going on multiple family vacations, and surrounded by friends. I would then let my 8 year old self down by saying actually none of those thing are our current reality. The thought of this makes me sad. But then I spoke with my friend and he said one thing that gave me that “aha” moment. He said, “When you are secure enough in your relationship to yourself, then you are ready for marriage.” To me this freed me from that societal timeline that I have been carrying with me since childhood. It’s not about being validated by external ideas like owning a home or having a ring put on my finger. It’s not about the younger I am when I accomplish these things the better. It’s about loving yourself and having such an amazing relationship with yourself that you do not need that external validation. When you are not relying on that external validation a lot of things happen. 1. The things you desire will come to you because you are not putting so much pressure on them. 2. When things do not go your way, you are less likely to have a huge negative reaction because of your security with yourself.
So I can comfort by 8 year old self, by saying we don’t have these things yet, but they are definitely coming.
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