What's a Hippie Mom?

I'm a self-proclaimed hippie, but more of an urban, modern day, city-living hippie.

What makes me a hippie?

1. I don't take drugs. But I do associate myself with a culture of rejecting conventional values, buying conventional products and produce, and an overall traditional lifestyle.
2. I prefer holistic healing methods over conventional healing methods. I would rather put my kid in a cold bath to lower a fever than jump to using a fever reducing syrup. I would rather leave an onion by the bed overnight than give cold medicine.
3. I use coconut oil for our bodies instead of conventional lotion. I diy a lot of our hair and body products from natural oils and produce. I use essential oils as perfume instead of traditional perfume.
4. I don't shower every single day. (gross!) No, it's not gross I promise. Showering every day is actually worse for your health. Showers disrupt natural processes that occur on your skin, hair, and nails. You need that bacteria! They also waste clean water! Not to mention as a mom, I'm extremely tired 24/7 and showering is just another thing that I don't have time or energy for. I usually shower every other day. I do wash my face, chest, and neck every night.
5. I breastfeed till my kids say it's a no go. I would breastfeed them till kindergarten if they wanted. Breast is best! I also breastfeed where ever I want, with or without the cover. If it's hot, I will breastfeed without the cover. I won't have my little one over heating trying to eat under that cloth just to avoid making some stranger uncomfortable. Be uncomfortable!
6. I strive to buy organic, locally sourced food.
7. I try to meditate every night before bed. It's relaxing, helps me let go of the day and any anxiety. I tend to ruminate over past experiences, which is super unhealthy, so mediation helps remind me to stay in the present.

Where does the urban, modern day, city-living come in?
1. I vaccinate my kids. I just do. It's a personal choice and there's just not enough sound research for me to justify not doing it.
2. My oldest daughter drinks cows milk (gasp!) I started her on it when she was done breastfeeding. This was before I was woke (lol) and binge-watched and binge-read books and documentaries on food politics and organic, natural living. I've tried to switch her to almond or other plant based milks but she's not having it so I do my best to just give her organic milk.
3. Not every food or household product I buy is organic! I follow the dirty dozen rule. The Environmental Working Group created a shopper's guide to pesticides in produce. The produce on that list, I buy organic. Other produce, especially the ones with a thick skin, like banana or oranges, I don't stress about.
4. We're not vegan or vegetarian. However, we only eat meat three days out of the week and I prepare vegan and vegetarian meals most often at home. We eat eggs; boiled, scrambled, whatever. I purchase grass-fed beef and wild fish, and try to find the purest and most locally sourced products. But, if my kids are at a birthday party or grandma's house, I'm not about to slap that slice of pepperoni pizza out of their hands. I don't deprive them. When I was growing up, we literally had every type of junk food imaginable in the house (I'm serious. I'm talking honey buns, hot pockets, soda, licorice, Cheetos, lucky charms, etc. etc.) Since I was never deprived as a child, as an adult I have very little desire to gorge on these junk foods because I was already exposed to them.
5. I don't follow any type of food guidelines when I'm pregnant. Other than the obvious no alcohol, raw fish, etc. With both of my girls, I've had morning sickness well into the 5th month. After the 5th month, even though the morning sickness is mostly gone, I still am unable to eat as much as I can in my non-pregnant state. Since my calorie intake is significantly lower during pregnancy, I listen to what my body wants to eat, when it wants to eat it. Even if it's fast food, even if it's just ice cream.. I strive to be dairy free but for some reason during pregnancy my body wants milk so I drink it.


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